Saturday, January 31, 2009

♪ No Fear,No Fences,No body,NO REINS ♪

January 31st,2009!

LOOK WHO IT IS!.................
I have to say this lil one listen's to my voice almost every day sometimes she laughs and sometimes she's like who's that crazy person i hear. I love her more and more each day,and it hurts my heart that I'm not with her right now. Hopefully in about 2months Heather and Skylah will come home to visit,then I'll fly back home with them and be able to make up for some lost time!

So.....This week as a nanny I learned that kids are sneaky. I remember i use to lie all the time when i was little. Especially the time Aaron asked me for a glass of water,and when i brought it back it had bubbles in it b/c i had poured dishwashing liquid in the water (Surely....he wasn't gonna drink it) oh but he did!............Did i tell the truth? NOPE.......We all got in trouble for it.....
Glad that HEather and Aaron still don't hold that against me. I'm doing my best to dicipline in the right way. But Let me tell ya when Friday rolls around,I'm ready to get outta there. I'm sure it's different with your own children,but with 3kids who are all over the place. It's quite a challenge at times. Moving on.......... I got paid this week &the responsibility factor kicked it. I actually went to Walmart and bought a finance folder to keep track of all receipts and any bills that i need to pay. I know,I know.....CRAZY HUH?! ....;) yay for me.
I also paid of some debt owned and deposted cash flow in the bank account..Whoot,and treated myself to a movie last night with Johanna,(Everyone please go see NEW IN TOWN) it's soo funny.
I also was able to Reap the benefits of teaching the 2twins that they need to study for the exam,I drilled them until they new every times table and every question about "Thurgood Marshall" ect....I mean I drilled them...and pretty soon they were improving w/their answers...(it was very cool to watch,& Not only that,But one of the twins receieved allll 100's on his worksheets for this past week.;) I'm not giving credit to myself,but I know that if i didn't sit down w/them and really drill it in their heads they would of told me they studied and then played their DS for 2more hours.ya know?
However,I think after being responsible for 3kids,Especially for their meals,Driving them around,(gahhh that's huge) & making sure they study. Responsibilty for myself just kinda falls in place! Hopefully I can keep it up. I also made my closet favorite (hamburger helper for dinner one night) Yeh,and surprisingly enough it's not tooo bad for you .only 120cals in one Cup!
I told them I would make my new favorite dish that if i ate every day i would weight 500pounds.Baked Mac N'Cheese! ------------Kids are picky with food. Maybe this week I'll introduce them to my apparently known by some ppl weirdness dish (Peanut butter and brocolli) ;) it's soo good and a great day time snack.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


So Today Is Sat.Jan 24th 2009! The number one thing I've learned as a nanny so far is that these 3kids are obsessed with their Nintendo DS! Seriously a bomb could go off and they wouldn't even notice! I've developed quite a few annoyances this week with the public transportation....
BUS DRIVERS! --------Why in the world would you pass a kid that's on your normal route that is standing @the end of the DRIVEWAY??? UGH!

I think someone called the (new nanny is in town hotline) and rigged it! B/c a little birdy told me that this never happens.ever!............hmmm. I've also developed a Strong Voice,and I almost scare myself when it's used. Thank you lord for Discipline and that i know how to use it! ------ Another thing that is new is my life is my new BLACK BERRY CURVE.....To which many called the new CrackBerry b/c it is so addicting! Ain't that the truth. However it's awesome b/c It's caters to those who just email and not text (Hannah) or those who wanna bberry chat. It's Great. However I limit myself to the notification department. You see if you recieve a facebook or myspace email it can notify you. However i think that's almost tooo obsessive and takes the fun out of logging on to facebook or myspace whenever you want and opening up a surprise as i like to call it! Ha.......

I 've also developed a habit for doing laundry and doing it well. I never knew that all reds blues and even pinks could be washed in the same cycle!------Makes it easier! I've also learned that GMC's are great on Gas Milege and that Getting Starbucks every morning can be addicting!

--ALL IN ALL--its fun.Yet Hard Work! ----I"m so glad to enoy this Saturday off.

Friday, January 2, 2009

The Road & The Radio


I remember when I was Younger,We were always told that we could be Whatever We Wanted to Be. For A long time,I never really believed that.. Which seems odd when your 13 and unaware of the world. I always knew i wanted to work with people but found my nitch @ Van Michael,it was a great learning experience and My parents have been great supporters for me and this career choice. Which I am not abandoning by any means. I am however doing for myself what i feel is best to do as this time in my life. It's 3:02 pm on the 2nd day of January,2009. I quit Van Michael,& Will Become a Nanny for a plastic Surgen with 3kids! Before you go and call me absolutley insane. I would like to state the fact that i'm 22,and have my WHOLE life ahead of me...Literally,I'm a bit scatterbrained @times and love going on trips,my friends,having fun,I love People... &&& As much as i LOVE hair,(and will continue to do it sometime in the future) for awhile i just lost myself,and i sit here,with no phone b/c I'm obsessed with my Sister Heather and Her baby! Which to me seems crazy b/c I can honestly say she is one of my BEST friends now. Anyhow,A big phone bill came in the mail. like i said. I make mistakes!
ANyhow,For the First time in my life i wasn't happy... & I couldn't even pretend to be happy. & If i fooled you,Maybe i should be an actress. (NOT)
Example.... The dierks bentley concert. May (2008)Free tickets,Lawn seats,just 2 normal girls walking into a huge LAKE amitheater w/determined hearts. (long story short,I end up on back stage,then on Stage w/miranda lambert,then, on the HUGE big Screen in front of 3000,while dierks himself is holding my HAND and singing to me........ ( that's not just luck)

I guess I feel it's important to be happy in life,and I'm not quitting something I love because i'm lazy or im just bored and wow this is difficult. If you've never been unhappy it's hard to explain the way i felt,I just know it wasn't right for me!
So....Monday morning @6am. I will take in the care of 3kids who i know,and enjoy and begin a new start,with new and Good Goals,financially,physically,and most important,Mentally! I hope it's understandable for most but for some you can say being a nanny is not a career choice.and you know what'I couldn't agree with you more. It's a Way to Make money,Save Money,and for me the best way to Start the new year! -----I will continue to do hair,and eventually go back to a salon. I would love to do hair in L.A.! But for now,I wanna LIVE this LIFE and not be miserable!
&Hope that My family and friends understand that I will be Successful because i am Determined!
More than I probably even show....